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Can clay pebbles grow all flowers?

Everyone knows that clay pebbles are a kind of high-temperature-fired light weight expanded clay pebbles, which is a material often used in construction. It is generally red in color, very light in weight, and has excellent air permeability, so it is suitable for planting flowers.

However, it seems that not all flowers can be planted with clay pebbles! Be sure to pay attention to distinguishing.

On the other hand, clay pebbles can also drain water, because its interior is full of tiny pores, which can retain water and keep flowers fertile. But it also puts forward certain requirements for flowers. Only flowers or plants such as orchids that have high requirements for air permeability and water permeability can be cultivated with clay pebbles, otherwise it is not feasible.

And the granular sizes of clay pebbles need to be noticed too, and do not use it indiscriminately. If the roots are relatively slender, you should choose smaller clay pebbles for cultivation.

What are the differences between high-quality clay pebbles and inferior clay pebbles?

Because high-quality clay pebbles are fired from high-quality clay, it is non-toxic, non-radiative, safe and pollution-free. In nature, high temperature resistance, corrosion resistance, sound insulation and heat insulation. However, inferior clay pebbles are sintered clay pebbles produced by granulation and roasting after municipal solid waste treatment, which has poor water absorption and air permeability and pollution.

So, when buying, we must keep our eyes open and choose high-quality clay pebbles.